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IQC – the Institute of Quality & Control is the largest private Certification Body in Israel, certifying for Quality and Product Standards, and is the Israeli representative for a large number of leading Certification Bodies worldwide.

 Founded in 1959, the Institute for Quality & Control was accredited by RVA, the Dutch international accreditation body in 2008 to ISO 17021 + ISO 17065.

Building on this international recognition and international representation, IQC has built up over the years a wide recognition of its professionalism in all aspects of activity, and continues to reinvent itself continuously for the benefit of its clients.

IQC – the Institute of Quality & Control offers a wide array of certifications under one roof. These include quality management standard ISO 9001, environmental management standard ISO 14001, safety ISO 45001, specific standards in the sectors of agriculture food and packaging: HACCP, GLOBALG.A.P, Medical Cannabis BRC, FSSC22000, ISO 22000. ISO 13485 for Medical devicees, GMP in cosmetics ISO 22716, transportation SI 9301, aviation quality AS 9100, and more. Certification audits are performed in Israel and overseas.

IQC's auditors all possess extensive experience, broad education including academic degrees in the field, and have had comprehensive training as lead auditors for the various standards. Conducted according to the requirements of the Accreditation Bodies, this training allows for the highest level of audits, as well as an optimal match of the auditors and their skills to each organization.

IQC – the Institute of Quality & Control has an Impartiality and Ethics Committee, which includes representatives of clients, consultants, public sector, services, the establishment. IQC are committed to the avoidance of conflict of interest, and to establishing objectivity during the certification process.
IQC has approximately 7,000 customers in Israel and overseas, who are certified for the various standards in all sectors of the economy.

IQC offers inspection services, conducted according to standards and specifications of clients, including importers and exporters. The certificates are recognized in Israel and around the world.
IQC has been recognized by government bodies including the Purchasing Administration of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, the Ministry of Justice, governmental companies and additional government ministries, public works, municipalities, Israel Electric Company, Israel Aircraft Industries, etc.

• Strengthening and developing IQCs position as the leading body for certification and quality in Israel.
• Ensuring that the name IQC will be identified with the highest levels of reliability and professionalism.
• To reach maximum utilization, cooperation with our overseas partners, to work together as a team, to share information and fully use capabilities, in order to support and develop the local and international business activity.
• To bring the subsidiary companies to the forefront of technology in their sectors.


• To provide updated, accurate and professional services to each of our customers, adapted over the long term to their needs and expectations and certification requirements.
• To provide our customers with recognized certificates after they have successfully completed their audits.
• To provide our customers with added value, to contribute to their success in the market in which they work, while developing new areas of activity.
• The certification process will always be free of external influences, as well as financial, commercial or other conflicts of interest, and will be provided without discrimination to any applicant.

In order to achieve these goals we will:

• Employ experienced workers and the continually develop their professional competency.
• Obtain accreditation all fields of activity that are required by our customer.
• Continuously improve the activities of IQC and its quality systems.
• Continuously be updated on standards and new market trends.
• Manage and implement a quality system according to the requirements of ISO/IEC 17065, ISO/IEC 17021, and ISO 19011, as well as additional specifications.
• Establish improvement goals which are based on collection and analysis of quantitative data.
• Establish an atmosphere of quality culture and include all employees in the activities of the organization for improving the quality.
• Work in full cooperation with each of our clients.
• Separate the certification activities from other activities at IQC.
• Ensure proper use of certificates and logos in order to prevent deception of the public.

Nir Halpern